Saturday 29 October 2022

How to solve springboot "Cannot determine embedded database driver class for database type NONE" Exception

       I posted a last post a year ago, sorry to the users to have disconnectivity of the blog posts due to some reasons. Today we will discuss about one of the issue will face during start of spring boot application without configuring any database things.

        If you are the Spring boot beginer and trying to run the application without configuring the datasource in your application then you can get below exception,

*************************** APPLICATION FAILED TO START *************************** Description: Cannot determine embedded database driver class for database type NONE Action: If you want an embedded database please put a supported one on the classpath.

If you have database settings to be loaded from a particular profile you may need to

active it (no profiles are currently active). - [report:42] - [] - []

The above issue we can solve in two ways as follows,

1) Fixing with file

you can add the fallowing line in file,


2) Fixing with Configuration code

You can add EnableAutoConfiguration annotation with DataSourceAutoConfiguration exclude like below,

@EnableAutoConfiguration (exclude = { DataSourceAutoConfiguration.class })
public class SpringbootApplication {, args);

or you can also add excludes to the SpringBootApplication annotation itself,

@SpringBootApplication (exclude = { DataSourceAutoConfiguration.class })
public class SpringbootApplication {, args);

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