In previous post, discussed about leaf node and total node count of BST. In this post, we will see how to delete a node from binary search tree.
There are three scenario which we may need to consider while deleting a node from Binary Tree.
1) If node has no child(i.e leaf node)
3) If node has two children
Output :-
Printing node before delete,
4 6 8 10 16
Printing node after delete,
4 6 8 10
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There are three scenario which we may need to consider while deleting a node from Binary Tree.
- If node has no child(i.e leaf node)
- If node has one child.
- If node has two children.
It is easy and straight forward, Just We need to search the node and make it null.
2) If node has one child
If node have one children then we need to connect parent of removed node directly to child of the removed node.
3) If node has two children
It is somewhat complicated to delete the node. If it has two nodes, we need to connect parent of node to the leftmost node(minimum) of right sub tree or rightmost node(maximum) of left sub tree.
Java Program to Delete the Node from a Binary
package com.test; class Node {
Integer data; Node leftChild; Node rightChild; public Node(Integer data) { = data; leftChild = null; rightChild = null; } } public class BSTDeleteNode { Node root; Node deleteNode(Integer data) { return deleteNode(root, data); } Node deleteNode(Node node, Integer data) { if (node == null) return node; if (data < { node.leftChild = deleteNode(node.leftChild, data); } else if(data > { node.rightChild = deleteNode(node.rightChild, data); } else { //node with only one child or no child if (node.leftChild == null) { return node.rightChild; } else if(node.rightChild == null) { return node.leftChild; } //node with two children, smallest in the right subtree = minValue(node.rightChild); node.rightChild = deleteNode(node.rightChild,; } return node; } int minValue(Node root) { int minv =; while (root.leftChild != null) { minv =; root = root.leftChild; } return minv; }
/* To Print the given Node data
*/ void inorderRec() { inorderRec(root); } void inorderRec(Node root) { if (root != null) { inorderRec(root.leftChild); System.out.print( + " "); inorderRec(root.rightChild); } } public static void main(String[] args) { BSTDeleteNode tree = new BSTDeleteNode(); tree.root = new Node(10); tree.root.leftChild = new Node(6); tree.root.rightChild = new Node(16); tree.root.leftChild.leftChild = new Node(4); tree.root.leftChild.rightChild = new Node(8); System.out.println("Printing node before delete,"); tree.inorderRec(); tree.deleteNode(16); //delete node method System.out.println(""); System.out.println("Printing node after delete,"); tree.inorderRec(); } }
Output :-
Printing node before delete,
4 6 8 10 16
Printing node after delete,
4 6 8 10
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